I'm cheating on this weeks illustration Friday theme, "HOME". Friday is Christmas eve and family starts arriving TOMORROW so I know there won't be any time to focus on creating anything fresh. So here it is....an illo of a farmer enjoying his jukebox while Luke and Duke (pig and mule) look on. This is from a book I did for the educational market recently, "Luke & Duke". What's more fun than enjoying some good music in the privacy of your own home! I've been known to do a jig like this when I think no one is looking. =O) I think I'm going to buy myself the soundtrack from ELF this week. I was going to get it for my daughter (xmas gift)who's eight and is really into music , PERIOD . She has scavenged all of our Christmas Cd's (she even found an old "New Kids on the Block" Xmas CD. WHAT WAS I THINKING???!) and plays them in her room. Anyway, think I'll buy it for myself instead!! ~Roz