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Ginny Baker

Hi Roz!

Go ahead and hop in my bag when I head off to Scotland and Ireland - we could use a guide! LOL We've never been there. I do remember seeing the gorgeous photo of your wedding in Edinburgh. I am settling in here in MO, though, it's been taking some getting used to. We're just in such a small town now. BIG change from Vegas! Have to travel about an hour away to Jefferson City to find all the stores we miss from Vegas. But I'm loving all the deer and my daughter is LOVING the snow days! School was canceled Monday due to snow, they were sent home two hours early yesterday, and now today and tomorrow have been canceled!

While I'm here - THANK YOU! - for posting the info about this book. I'm very interested in breaking into freelance illustration, so I'll be checking it out!

Wishing you all the best!

alicia Padrón

I didn't know of this book Rozzie, thanks for posting about it. And your are in it too?? More reason to buy it then :o) xo

Dee (Diandra Mae)

I keep running into blog posts about this book, and it's been on my wish list forever. I guess I'll take the plunge since so many fantastic gals are recommending it. :)

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