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Nikki S

Well, the AD was right picking your linework out... I can't remembering noticing it, but this piece is AWESOME!

It sounds like you are an extremely busy bee, and that is great... I was beginning to wonder if you were okay!

Love that your back to blogging...


Hey I thought Hugh was my bf!?!? :-)

Sounds like you are super busy, with wonderful projects in the works...yay!

Cindy Green

Hey, Roz,
Great to see some of your new stuff! It looks warm and fuzzy, as always! Congratulations on all the great projects! I'll keep my eyes open for any interesting science crafts... (hey, how about natural dyes from plants and such?) I was happy to see your spread in Highlights this summer - you must be very busy, but it's all good, right? Hang in there... ;-)

kathy weller

Roz, it's SO great to see what you have been up to!! I can't believe this post is nearly a month old, and this is my first time seeing it. I'm embarrassed I had not seen it before.
Your projects look great.


So many wonderful things on your plate, yeah Roz!!! Love the science craft book, that sounds like fun. And the board book illustration just melts my hear!


of course I'd say melts my hear when I meant heart. no my poor ears aren't melting over here.

Julia Kelly

You have been busy- I dont know if this is too young for your age range- but when I taught preschool we did an experiment to teach the kids about germs- rubbed crisco all over their hands and had them try and get it off by washing in cold, then hot and then teaching the value of soap. the only thing that will get crisco off.


Congrats on being such a busy bee!!! Well deserved!

Juicy Couture

I had this website saved a while in the past but my computer crashed.

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