Just a quickie post to say I'm still working away here. The summer was a blur with the kids starting school the end of last week. When I was in school, we started after labor day. This just seems way too early to be going back. Aw well.
Illustration work is clicking along. One job that was only supposed to be a 3 page brochure turned into 9 pages which added to the workload considerably. That along with a tight deadline for 4 board books, I am working around the clock which is doing a number on my shoulders. I mean, I am in excruciating pain here. I'm not sure how to remedy it because I am so focused on getting this work turned in asap. I think I have about another week before I can take a break from the computer.
Anyone else experience this shoulder muscle pain?
The GREAT news ,however, is that my new wacom tablet has been invaluable. I never dreamed that I would be using the pen so much. I thought it would hurt my wrist but the opposite has happened. I can go for hours and hours vs using a mouse. Thankful for that!
Okay, back to it. Happy illustrating everyone.
* Thanks so much everyone for the wonderful suggestions on relieving the pain. I got some Aleve and it has definitely taken the edge off for now.