Hello all! I haven't been keeping up with the blog very well, so I thought I would quickly post a friday five.
1. YAY! Finished first round of sketches for the board books I'm working on this summer. I shouldn't hear anything until the middle of next week so I'm going to savor the mental vacation. =o)
I love when I can enjoy the down time instead of worrying over where the next assignment is. Oh wait, I'm not supposed to be doing that anymore. =o)
2. I have an assignment where I'll be doing a lot of b&w line art (more about that later) so I decided it was time to invest in a good wacom tablet. I want to do these digitally. Can't wait to get my new toy!
3. My girls are doing great. Lily is in heat. I need to get her fixed. Just keep putting it off. We've had thunderstorms all week so weeing in the house has resumed. =o/
(1990 Edinburgh, Scotland )
4. Kevin and I celebrated our 19th anniversary this month. I am even more in love with this man now than I was the day we wed. Never imagined it possilbe and thrilled that it's the case. I'm sincerely blessed and I know it.
5.And the biggest news of all (for me at least) is that I had a birthday and turned the big 4 0. I have been dreading this number for years and didn't even want to celebrate but now that I'm here I have to say that I feel pretty darn good about it. I have a life that I can be very proud of. I have my health, a beautiful family that loves me and I'm getting paid to do something I love. Can't get much better than that!
xo to all.
Congratulations on both your anniversary and your birthday Roz! It's great to hear that you're so happy with your life!
Posted by: Anette Heiberg | May 30, 2009 at 06:00 AM
Roz, you are looking fab at 40. Happy birthday and anniversary!
Can't wait to hear what you think about the wacom. You'll love it!
Posted by: Chickengirl | May 30, 2009 at 10:32 AM
Oh my dear friend, what a beautiful post! And look at you, so pretty!! :o)
I love your wedding picture as well.. You guys looks adorable together. Hubby must be so happy you posted about him too.
Happy Birthday Rozzie Roz, aren't the 40's great?! :o)
Posted by: alicia Padrón | May 30, 2009 at 12:34 PM
your dogs are so cute as is your artwork! and happy birthday!
Posted by: sheree | May 30, 2009 at 02:27 PM
Congratulations on your anniversary AND turning 40...both wonderful things! Did you get married in Scotland, or go on honeymoon? Eric and I married in '91 and went to Scotland as a honeymoon!
Posted by: Liz | May 31, 2009 at 07:56 PM
Happy Anniversary Roz! That is so awesome that you all are even more in love today! I am blessed in this way, too. : )
Congrats on having lots of work...I haven't had hardly any this year but I am hoping it picks up soon.
I love your sketch for the board books. I look forward to hearing more about those. Who are they for?
Posted by: Phyllis Harris | June 02, 2009 at 07:31 AM
ooops! Happy Birthday!!!!! I forgot....it must be my age! :o)
Posted by: Phyllis Harris | June 02, 2009 at 07:32 AM
Thanks, everyone!
Liz, we were living in England at the time and "eloped" to Scotland with my parents and grandmother. My dad was in the military stationed in England and Kevin worked for him. That's how we met. =o)
Posted by: roz | June 02, 2009 at 08:00 AM
Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary, Roz! This was such a sweet post. It made me smile and be happy that you're so happy! :) I agree that you have much to celebrate. Best wishes for another wonderful year. Deb
Posted by: Debbie Meyer | June 05, 2009 at 05:59 AM
I'm really late but Happy Belated Birthday and Anniversary and board books and everything! Sounds like the 40's are treating you well so far!
Posted by: theresa | June 11, 2009 at 08:43 PM
Hey Congrats on the Anniversary! I have been remiss in reading your blog Roz. . .I have missed so much!
Posted by: Sherry Rogers | June 29, 2009 at 09:25 PM