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holy cow; I love your new look!!! I think you followed your heart (;-)) and it has served you well. And it must be somewhat easier to just create what you need--cheaper too. Good for you! Best of luck with it.
I'm routing for you!

Laura Zarrin

Oh I love it!! The digital version is so bright and lively. Great choice! Good luck.


Thanks so much Theresa and Laura!

Tracy Cundiff

I've always loved your original felt designs, but I REALLY love your digital felt! I can understand how it would be much quicker to make changes and how it would be fun for you to experiment with textures.

Carol Baicker-McKee

Roz, both versions are absolutely lovely, and I admire you so much for taking the plunge to learn a new method.

Good luck with your dummy! It's so hard to let go of a project and send it out into the world - all too much like giving a child a push out the door. But I'm sure your "baby" will make you proud. I've got my fingers crossed for you.


Both lovely pieces but I would have to admit that the digital version is stronger - we all always improve on the second try, don't we! The animals really POP against the background with the new color choices you've made and I do love that you have the shadows in there to help ground the dog and cat. Too cute!

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