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Ooh, Board books! Your style is perfect for that, can't wait to see them.


Great list. Sounds like you have more than enough to keep you busy! Do keep us posted on where you end up heading to.

Kathleen Rietz

Hhhhhmmmm....the new assignment is...Virginia Beach?? Maybe not. First thing that crossed my mind.

I agree, your style is perfect for board books. i always thought so. The bees are so cute...love the way your digital is going.

Congrats on the new book. : )

Phyllis Harris

Can you share who you are doing your board books with? Congrats on that!!! I would LOVE that job!

Here's hoping you get your choice of places to move!!


I hope you get the beach gig! If it's VA beach, you would only be two hours from me. I am hoping for Hawaii for you though. ;)
I can't wait to see your board books, I bet they'll be so warm and fuzzy, your medium is perfect for the littlest ones.


HI Phyllis,
I'm doing the board books with Soundprints.


Sehr gute Seite. Ich habe es zu den Favoriten.

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