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Oh, I love bunnies! Very sweet.


This is so cute and I am impressed with how beautifully your style translates to photoshop!


She is so cute! I love her dress! How fun!


That looks great, Roz! Wow..you've been tackling Illustrator quite well. I love how this still looks like your style and translates very well.

I've been trying to keep up with learning flash as well...hopefully I can have something presentable to post up soon! :-)


Wonderful! wish you could teach me photoshop...

Roberta Baird

This is done completely in Illustrator?
Wow, it's wonderful! I thought it was cut paper!


Wow! I thought this was cut paper too! You're doing great with Illustrator! I especially love the bunny's dress and basket. I'm always trying to add texture & patterns to my work, but it's still a challenge for me. Super work, Roz!

Sherry Rogers

Roz this is such a wonderful illustration! The bunny is adorable. This is done digitally? Wow I am impressed. Your style does well in digital! Love the dress and the scarf especially.


Love her mumu!!

deb johnson

Beautiful illustration! Digital art is awesome, isn't it?! Great job!


Thanks so much for your encouragement!Means a lot and I'm looking forward to doing some more.I'm so glad that it has a somewhat 3d feel. Hopefully I will keep improving on that.

Yes, Deb, Digital is awesome! I've been wanting to try it for years and admire my pals that are so amazing with it.
www.lynda.com has been an amazing resource.


Adorable !!!
fantastic experiment, the colors are so joyful and the subject so cute

lil kim

so cute! love her little paisley dress.


YayYyYyyYY!!! I'm soOOooOoo happy you're learning ILLUSTRATOR!! Don't you LOVE IT!?!??! I use it every single day. I'm so thrilled you jumped right in and I agree with you.... www.lynda.com is a great site to learn how to use new software. Very proud of you, Roz!!

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