The kids keep saying how they can't wait for Christmas and wish it was "today". Well, poor things, if it were, there would be nothing to open. That's right...I haven't even started shopping! Time is just blurring past at record speed. How can it nearly be Christmas?
Needless to say, I'm tad bit stressed. But it will get done, it always does and it always turns out great. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.
So, what's been going on here?
1. Thanksgiving was wonderful. My parents came to visit and stayed for a week. While they were here, we got the tree up, decorated and started our annual puzzling! I love having a puzzle going during the winter.
Here's Val keeping guard.
2. I collect coffee & tea beakers so I was thrilled when I found this at Michaels last week. They have several designs, it was hard to choose just one.
3. Last year I made "Arther's" for the family as my winter 'crochet' fix. This year I think I'm going to try to make this.
Actually, I'll be using a pattern my mum made that is similar but prettier IMHO. If I manage to get it done, I'll post it.
4. Work wise, it has been steady but not overwhelming so that is good and I'm thankful for the work that has come in. Here is a little snippet from an educational piece I'm working on. This will be in felt when finished.
5. Lily is doing great. She has gained weight at record speed. She is a whopping 7.5 pounds now and is 5 1/2 months old. Here she is taking a snooze in her favorite place with her favorite toy.