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That looks amazing. I just placed a hold on it at our library. I'm having a hard time believing that that is all fabric rather than paint! :-)


I saw the quilt last year at the International Quilt Festival. It's based on illustrations from a German fairy tale book I think -- and it won best of show. Lucky for me, because it was entered into whimisical quilts, but getting Best of Show bumped it out of my category, and moved all the rest of us up one notch, so got a bigger prize money, vgb :)


Roz, thank you for passing this on. It is going to be a 'musthave' book to get to go with the three new Fairy books I just ordered. The quilt must be gorgeous 'in person.'


That looks a wonderful book and story, sorry its been so long since I last left a comment.


WOW!! I worked at the International Quilt Festival in Houston last year (worked hard and long hours behind my desk this year for it) ... but that is soooo inspiring. Thank you for showing us that.

alicia Padrón

Wow Roz! This is amazing! Thanks for showing us this... Truly wonderful :o)

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