I want to share an author who is inspiring me at the moment. I'm currently taking Anastasia Suen's Poetry Workshop and in this workshop you have to read several stories in rhyme daily. I can't get enough of Karma Wilson.
Not only are her stories entertaining, her skill for near perfect meter, fun alliteration and catchy refrains are to be envied. (See, I told you I was taking a class, look at all the cool words I know now!)
If I was Karma, I think I would be awestruck by the choice of illustrators for her books. She is one fortunate gal!
Look at, "Bear's New Friend" by Jane Chapman, for example. She creates the most idyllic settings and endearing animals with her acrylics and brushes.
I've been collecting books illustrated by Margaret Spengler, Jeff E. Davis and Buket Erdogan for years. You've guessed it. They've all illustrated a Karma Wilson manuscript. Amazon must be loving me right now. I wonder whose child I'm putting through college with all the books I'm ordering?
I must check out the author! Thank you for the tip! :)
Posted by: kathy weller | April 25, 2007 at 06:54 PM
..Oh, on further reading, more illustrators to check out, too! Thanks!!
Posted by: kathy weller | April 25, 2007 at 06:55 PM
Is there a better thing to spend money on?? My book shelves are bending a bit in the middle from the books I'm obessessed with. A very good thing I think! Plus- they are business expenses- research!
Posted by: Steph | April 25, 2007 at 10:34 PM
April most be buy a book month! I bet I've gotten 8 new books so far. OK, some were garage sale finds. :) Two more that I ordered just came in and a couple new releases I want, I'm going to have to hunt for online. Hmmm, and that "Hello Calico" sure looks cute!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Yup, I'm an avid collector too.
Posted by: gail | April 26, 2007 at 09:05 AM
Hey, Roz. Check out "If I Built A Car" by Chris VanDusen. The rhymes are great and the illustrations are super keen (very 50's).
I took Anastasia's picture book class last month. What a workout!
Posted by: Deb | April 26, 2007 at 08:17 PM