I can't believe it's February! And that means only 8 days until I leave for the NY SCBWI Conference. I am so excited but nervous as well. *Holy Crud, I'm going to New York. Pinch me!*
Am I ready? Getting there...
Book flight and hotel - Check I'll be sharing a room with my buddy Heather in the same hotel as the conference. Nice!
Artwork matted for display- Check
Of course I left this til last minute and was told ever so rudely politely by a framer that there was no way I could get a piece matted in a week. So a store bought mat thankfully fit my piece.
Business cards - Check. Thank you, Patty, for reminding me! Really happy with how they came out, so I'm equally happy to recommend Vista Print.
Portfolio- No check. I just took a look and grimaced. Time to buy some ink and print out newer pieces. Amazing how images that I was so happy with months ago look ghastly to me now.
Appropriate Winter Wear- NO CHECK I finally broke down and ordered a coat on line since Vegas has decided to only sell bathing suits now. Fingers crossed it gets here in time...and fits!
10 pound weight loss- um...no check.
This will be my last post before the conference but I'll return to blog land with lot's of pictures and tidbits. Until then, happy creating...and if you're going to the conference too, can't wait to see you there!
Hubby is home from his four month deployment overseas. YAY!!
When you get there remember poke your head out the window. I will holler at you! I am so excited for you and green all at the same time because you will be so close yet so far!
Have a great time I can't wait to hear all about your adventures when you return.
I anxiously await the day we will conference together. (If only we could get Georgeann to go too!)
Travel safe I will keep you in my prayers!
Posted by: Sheri | February 01, 2007 at 09:32 AM
Have a wonderful time! Would be cool if you could blog it while you were there. Enjoy that hubby!
Posted by: Sherry | February 01, 2007 at 09:56 AM
Congratulations on the safe return of your hubby! Tell him we're all rootin' for him and are on his side!
Hey, what a koinkidink! I'm going to New York for my first time too in 9 days! I'm going for a Toy Fair, should be lots of fun, but it's work for me. (I think I'll enjoy it anyway). I'm staying at the W at Time's Square. Talk about culture shock, but at least I have winter wear.
Have a terrific time, and good luck with the coat!
Posted by: garth | February 01, 2007 at 05:45 PM
All good news! I'll bet you are more excited about your husband returning home, than going to NY. How wonderful to be celebrating both!
Good luck and good fortune in NY.
And if you have a minute, there is just one more thing...
...I have tagged you! It's a little game. But ONLY f you have the time, and want to play, just pop by my blog for the instructions.
Posted by: gingerpixels | February 02, 2007 at 08:10 AM
We'll have to figure out a way to meet. I wish you had time to attend the conference. =o(
Ginger, I'll be happy to participate in the 6 weird things. Hmm, narrowing it down to just 6 will be the hard part. ;o)
Sheri- DC is next on my list of conferences, I miss my old stomping ground more than you know. And you too of course!
Thanks so much Sherry!
Posted by: roz | February 02, 2007 at 11:58 AM
All of New York is excited you are coming!
I wish I could be in the city, but I don't think I will make it down.
Have a great time!!
Glad your hubby is home safe.
Posted by: laura | February 04, 2007 at 03:29 PM
Yay! Your list looks much like mine, and I SO agree with you about portfolio pieces. Some of them I look at now and wonder "what the heck?" We'll have to meet up! I'll keep an eye out for you on Friday!
Posted by: Dee | February 04, 2007 at 06:18 PM
I am so totally jealous that you are going to the conference in NY!!!! Have tons of fun! Good to hear that you're hubby is home too!
Posted by: Shawna Tenney | February 05, 2007 at 10:37 AM