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Merry Christmas, Roz! Merry Christmas to Emily, Jesse and Kevin too! Merry Christmas to your brave husband and all our troops. Wishing all of you every good thing!


Thanks so much, Bettsi, all the best to you too this holiday season. Hugs!


Happy Christmas to you and your lovely family Roz.
: )

Barbara Johansen Newman

Roz, I did not know your husband was overseas. I guess I should check in on your blog more.

My best thoughts and prayers are with you and him and your family. Blessings to all! Please tell your husband that I am one of those people who think our soldiers are the smartest and bravest and most capable in the world, and that I am honored to have them represent the rest of us here at home. They do us all proud.

And have a wonderful Christmas! Before you know it, we will be getting together in NY.


Happy Christmas to you too, sweet Lyn.

Barb,I've been pretty quiet about Kevin being away. That was his request. But I
couldn't keep quiet any longer!
Thanks so much for the wonderful words about our troops.
I'll definitely pass on the message!
Hugs to you and have a great Christmas and see you literally in the new year!


Wow, Roz- I think you are a wonder woman for being able to keep it all together with your husband away- all the best to you, and the kids, and Kevin. You look like such a great family! God bless 'em- every one!!


Oh thanks so much Liz, what a nice thing to say. I feel very far from Wonder Woman but I appreciate you saying that. Man, I wish I could fit into her costume on top of everything else!


Oh roz! You have such a beautiful family! I am sending extra warm thoughts your way to reel everyone in and keep them safe this new year.


Belated Merriment wishes to you and your lovely family. Hope your hubby can come home, safe and sound, very soon!


Is that boy home yet?
hope so!!!

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