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Barbara Johansen Newman

Roz, I think you and I could trade "words." 2003 was about as stressed a year as I have ever had.

I like "explore" and I have a sense that you will succeed-- in spades!

Guess I will have to give some thought to my own theme for the year...


HI Roz! It is nice catching up on your blogs and seeing a family pic with your border collie, check out my blog and you can see us trying to keep Maggie in the photo too! I will pray for your husbands saftey!


What a wonderful time to share these insights. Thanks for letting others experience your ideas and your wonderful images.


Barb, let us know what you decide for your theme!
Hi Monica, good luck with Maggie. I'm still working on being pack leader with Valentine!
Ginger, you're so sweet, thank you!
A very happy New Year to all!


Roz, you'll have another great year, I just know it! I'm excited to see what will turn up in your explorations. have fun and enjoy every minute of it.


Thanks for sharing. I like how you gave a positive word or phrase to help you through your year!! I think my theme would be "believe in yourself"


Happy Exploring, Roz!
I need to do a bit more of that myself.

Wishing you and yours all the best.



I like the "explore" theme! I've been thinking about this a lot myself lately.


Fantastic! I plan to explore as well. It is an exciting theme I believe. Cheers and have a very creative and successful new year Roz.

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