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Oh, that's great! I will look for it- she is a genius. I grew up with the colonial girl "Holly Hobbie" (you know what I mean!). Recently, one of my daughters had to do an author report, and she chose Holly as a subject, mainly because I spoke so highly of her. There is surprisingly little info about her out there! I hope the dvd will have some extra features, and an interview!


To bad we don't get noggin'


I wish I got that channel...phooey.

I do have a lovely book called, "The Art of Holly Hobbie" by Holly Hobbie...it was published by Random House in 1986. In it, she talks about how she got her start and where some of her images come from. It's a hard to find book, but worth the hunt.


How exciting! I hadn't heard about this, and I love Holly Hobbie - especially her Toot and Puddle books.

You haven't posted about how your SCBWI conference experience was. Are you going to give us a report?

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