Awww, the kids went back to school this week and I have to admit, it is so wonderful to have the house to myself again.
This summer flew by in a blink and as far as my freelance work , I was the busiest I have ever been.
Believe me, I'm not complaining but it was a major challenge trying to juggle home life, children and a freelance schedule. Balance? Nope, not even close.
If you're an aspiring illustrator you're probably thinking - like I did when I read posts like this - "what a nice problem to have!". And it is, it really is. I hope that the work continues to come in. I'm so grateful to be doing something I love.
But I learned this summer, that I need a game plan. I need to get more organized with my time if I want to maintain some semblance of balance.
The two main things I scratched out of my daily routine were pretty basic, water and exercise. Not good. And boy did my body let me know that I wasn't being kind to it. You can only live on highly caffeinated diet drinks for so long.
So I'm feeling like I do in January. It's a new school year, time for a fresh start.
In my mind I know the solution is simple, "just do it". Similar to deadlines, you get them done because you said you will and your career depends on it. Well, I need to treat my personal goals with the same respect and discipline. Just do it. I feel so much better on the days that I do, why can't I remember that?
I toast my water bottle to all my family, friends and fellow freelancers.
Here's to a fresh school year and my game plan.
More jogging, less blogging!
Just do it !