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Soooooooo... now we want a new portrait for the"AFTER" look. I'll bet it's stunning! This is a great illustration by the way, but I'm really curious about the new Roz.

Ginger *:)


i love the way you are coming out of the frame! really darling!!!


This is a fun selfportrait! I love all the action and fun going on - it really shows your passion.


I bet you look great too. Isn't nice to chop hair when it is dripping with heat! We all need a change every once and a while. Fun, joyful illo. Cheers!

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ohhhh this is just too beautiful!!! your work is absolutely amazing~


Roz, I love this portrait all the same! She exudes sweetness, as you do! And I bet the blond highlights and shorter do are working fantastically on you. =)


Its a great self portrait, I like all the snipping. I hate doing them but then I much rather paint animals.


Hi Roz, you've got really interesting work!


what a great self portrait, you look so happy! :-)

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