Growing up, a winter past time was working on massive puzzles with my parents. We would go to the "pic 'n save" and spend hours choosing the "perfect puzzle" with lots and LOTS of pieces.
So, when my parents came out this Christmas,we decided , hey why not, let's do a puzzle! I had forgotten what a pleasure it is to sit and mull over a complex puzzle. Mum and I would stay up til the wee hours of the morning "puzzling" and gabbing determined to get it finished before they had to go home.
I enjoyed working on this so much that the "puzzling" continues and I highly recommend it if you are looking for something to do to relax.
(Emily and I recently finished this cute puppy one.)
We start ours on a large piece of poster board on our dining table and just have it sitting there for when the mood strikes...which is usually while I'm cooking dinner or right before bedtime.
Okay, so what does this have to do with illustration? Well for me, the more I'm working on these, the more I'm thinking about how fun it would be to have puzzles out in the world with my artwork on them.
I've decided I'm going to work up some designs this year and start submitting to publishers that produce puzzles. Check out your CWIM book and you'll find several listings if you are interested in submitting your work as well. Storybook artwork is perfect for puzzles. And sitting here working on these, gives me a good sense of what works/what doesn't as far as colors and design.
Another idea ...what a fun gift a puzzle would be for family members. Imagine next year, giving your children , favorite niece and nephews a puzzle to work on that you designed!
I googled "personalized puzzles" and there are several companies out there. I think the one I'm going to try is "Positively Puzzled". Looks to be a pretty easy process. You send a high resolution jpg in the appropriate dimensions and bing bang boom..a puzzle is made. I'll let you know how it goes.
Happy puzzling!
Oh, those were the days spent on puzzles! I don't know where I could find the time to do that but doing one with your mom sounds heavenly!
Good luck with the new pursuit!
Posted by: Snowbear | January 13, 2006 at 03:37 PM
Oh great memories! We used to set a puzzle up on the coffee table, and everytime we sat down we got pulled right into it!
Neighbor kids would wander in, and we all were immersed in it.
I think I should go get a puzzle!
I did look up some info on puzzles once... also looked into wallpaper borders once.... hmmmmm
Posted by: laura | January 14, 2006 at 12:26 PM
That is a great memory I share with my mom as well, and whatever family member stopped in for a visit.
Posted by: Gina L | January 15, 2006 at 09:09 AM
That's a M.E. puzzle!! kewl!!
Posted by: Paige Keiser | January 31, 2006 at 11:27 PM