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Hi Roz!
I´m happy for you to be finally living in a house again! And your studio space - great! You could maybe separate it a little from the other rooms with panel curtains from Ikea. They are like textile walls that you can push to the side. Ah, that´s what I like about moving! All these new decorating possibilities!
Take care and enjoy your new room! Bea


Hi Roz!
What a darling house! And a great workspace! I wouldn't hide your stuff away too well-after all, it's a huge part of who you are. That should not be hidden, but celebrated! People love the look of life and activity-it may not be the stuff of decorating magazines, but it sure is interesting! I find that as long as I pick up all the bits and pieces, I'm pretty happy with my work space being on display, as it were. Congrats on getting through the move!


Well there are a many creative possibilities here. I have moved several times in the last 9 years and one thing I loved was setting up a new studio. I also loved checking out the studios that you linked. Funny, I have have not taken a photo of my present space. I think I should. Thanks for this. Cheers!


Yay! A studio is born!


Oooh, I'd be rubbing my hands together in anticipation! You know who had a studio similar to your set-up? Penelope. She had her studio in the front entry room. I think she just moved to a spare bedroom, but I believe she still has photos of it up on her blog. I'm excited that you're getting all settled in, too. I know how busy you're going to be juggling everything, so I am sending good vibes your way. Thanks for posting all of those neat links. You have inspired me to soon post about my studio!


Oooh, I'd be rubbing my hands together in anticipation! You know who had a studio similar to your set-up? Penelope. She had her studio in the front entry room. I think she just moved to a spare bedroom, but I believe she still has photos of it up on her blog. I'm excited that you're getting all settled in, too. I know how busy you're going to be juggling everything, so I am sending good vibes your way. Thanks for posting all of those neat links. You have inspired me to soon post about my studio!


Great links, I love to look at other peoples work spaces if there is creativity going on!

I think a art place needs to be messy, so maybe you could try to put a fabric hanging from the celing to conceil your table from guests? I don't know the english word, but I think you get what I mean.


Oh Rozzie! I am so excited for you!!! This is so fabulous!!!! Your own studio space!! I am celebrating!!



p.S. I am sure you will sleep way better now with sweet dreams because your work isn't in your bedroom anymore!! :-) So happy for you!!

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