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Hi Roz. Good to see some activity in your blog again. I'm looking forward to see some pictures of Vegas.


YAY! You're back! I'm glad to see that everything has been okay so far. I'm about to attend my first conference in San Antonio! I'm looking forward to it, and hopefully will get as much out of it as you did. Hearing you speak about the agent issue and submission standards is very relieving. Thanks for sharing. :)


Welcome home! : 0 )

Chris Barton

Hi, Roz -- I'm glad to hear you made it. You'll come back to Austin next October, right? Or will you be too busy organizing the Vegas conference?


Oh, so nice to hear from you again! I do hope so much that you won´t have to live out of suitcases for much longer!


I MISS YOU!!!! Lots of good thoughts and prayers being sent your way.



Glad you made it. Nice to read your post.


Hey Lady,
Welcome back to the blog world--you have been missed. I hope your hotel has a swimming pool and plenty of cabana boys to bring you drinks! Have you tried the slots yet?
As for dial up--can you believe that's the way I still do it???!
Hopefully Santa will fix that soon.
Have fun settling in!

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