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I´m glad everything is going well so far! I´m thinking a lot about you! Off to new adventures!
Ah, the smell of cardbord boxes!


I'm glad you've had such a good experience! I too had to pack up and move my house while my husband was out of town for two weeks-sheesh! I thought I'd have a meltdown; turned out pretty good though. :)

Chris Barton

So far, so good, it sounds like. Best of luck on the road, Roz.


congratulations Roz... Great job! A new adventure begins!


Roz, you just completely freaked me out. I knew you were moving to Vegas. My father in law lives in Vegas and he gets around. His name is Baker and he is the splitting image of that larger guy in the picture. I was trying to enlarge the photo to see, when I finally figured out theres no way that that is my Baker. Anyway, I've only moved once (crosscountry). It was so cool when we had movers come in, pack up everything, and all we had to do was vaccuum the floor after they shipped our stuff. Hope you have a smooth transition.


Luck be a lady tonight!
Congrats Roz & Best wishes for your new adventure!


Look at your sweet border collie, so helpful in your move, good luck! Moves are icky and exciting!


doggie looks like a darling! good luck with the move! :)

Julie Olson

Roz, good luck with the move. I'm envious that you had packers...I wish I did. It's a pain in the butt to be in limbo with your art supplies. We kept our computer out too and just put it in the car. Crazy how it's a necessity. Good luck and thanks for the posts to my site.


Good for you! Moving is one of the most stressful things humans can engage in....they tell me. Our move up here to NH was a good one, the new home is great and I haven't found that the stress statement is true at all.

What a great family you have, to pitch in, doggie and all, and make the move a successful one. When you have two minutes to rub together, let us know all about the new digs, the kids school and where you will put all YOUR stuff!

Paige Keiser

Hi Rozzie Gal! I have missed your PBJ posts :-( Glad to hear from you again recently :):):)


I need to check in with my favorites list more often! Good luck on your move. That is big. and you should def keep your computer with you at all times ;)


How nice to hear a positive 'moving house' story. Those guys look great- like superheroes.


ROZ, I MISS YOU!!! We haven't chatted in so long...I am glad to hear things are going so well though.

God Speed and God Bless You All.

Talk to you soon!


Hi Roz!

I hope you feel a little adjusted by now! And hopefully everything went fine! Just wanted to let you know that I miss your posts!

Cheers, Bea


Hey Roz, miss you over here. HOpe all is going well!

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