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Well, aren't they adorable!?! This brings a smile in the face of the tragedy, and that is very welcome right now. Love is truly going to be the thing that makes a difference in all these lives affected in one way or another. Thanks for sharing this sweet post!


so lovely! i love everything about it esp. the dress. the mouse is so cute. it is truly a creation of love.



This is such a great interpretation of IF's "roots" theme. The itty bitty mouse is just the cutest thang and the print on Mama elephant's dress is adorable. It never ceases to amaze me how tiny you can make the felt pieces...oooh my fingers are cramping already just thinking about it!


I like the symbolism of the elephant and the mouse, and your love words !


Thanks very much! The fabric on the mouse is from material I had made curtains with when I was a newlywed! ummm, we're talking 15 years ago now!

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