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Emma is darling! You're really motivating me, Roz! Oh, and I envy your cute collection of timers...they really spice up your studio.



Love the phone timer, Rozzie! Just genius! So cute!
Emma is just the sweetest thing. Sigh. And so absorbed into the moment and determined she is. Love it! What a gift you have Roz!!!


Thanks you guys, I really appreciate the thumbs up!


I love seeing your workspace. Good luck with Emma, I hope she finds a home asap!


Thank you Jenny. Me too!


What a sweetie Emma is and such great attitude! Wonderful!


Well Miss Rozzie, Emma simply could not be cuter! I love to look and look at your work because there are a lot of little sweet details that really draw you in then surprise you at every turn. (a touch lace here, a sparkly sequin there). Just delightful! I'm quite sure her literary home is just around the corner... And your timers, too fun!


you really have a gift especially for details and emma is so wonderful. just love that dress and happy face!

your collection of timers is becoming a must to see!


Thank you all so much!


Good luck Roz! The illustration looks great, so many nice details. It reminds me of myself dressing up as a little girl.

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