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Your office looks nice Roz, and what a sweet dog you have. I have a black office chair too, it's very comfortable (my last chair was a paint to sit in).


Hahaha, oh Valentine!!! Such a great shot, Roz! Valentine looks pretty happy at your desk there, your chair must be veery comfy ;-)
As for treats...cheese pieces are the best, aren't they?!

Give some **sparkles* to Valentine! :-D


Studio Friday! Great, I'd have time to do that instead of the illustration thing. Thanks Roz!


Studio Friday! Great, I'd have time to do that instead of the illustration thing. Thanks Roz!


I forgot you had a border collie like my new puppy-actually 5 months old. I wonder if my dog hair will get as long as yours!


What a lovely dog! I miss having a dog... My parrot just makes too much noise to bring him into my studio.

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