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Not to offend you Roz, but I had to laugh at your latest post. Not at the part about your daughter's speech, or your son's great reaction to the rally, or your older son's paper. I had to laugh at the topic of your son's composition. I teach seventh grade Language Arts south of Houston, and in preparation of TAKS (*shiver*) I had my kids write the EXACT SAME COMPOSITION! They had to write about a person who has influenced their lives, positively or negatively. I must say, I also had some outstanding papers. :) I guess at some point, we teachers all think alike!(Oh, I had no idea you were in S.A. I grew up there! My parents' house is literally 10 minutes from Fiesta Texas.)


"stuck on my mind like gum on a desk" is a classic that you should use in a book somewhere. What a great family--you must be a proud mommy indeed!


Well there you go again Roz, I am blubbering again. What a touching glimpse into your family's life. I got all emotional reading your son's paper. Children are so precious and every day with them is a blessing to be cherished.


What a great day to be a Fulcher kid!

Hey! I have that same pillow you're holding, but in purple. :-P


Roz, I just love reading about your family! you guys are just the sweetest. And Jesse's paper, what a writer! Thanks for sharing your proud mommy moment with us.


Oh thanks so much you guys for sharing in the delight of the day with me. They really are the light of my life.

Yes, Snowbear, I immediately asked Jess if I could use his gum sentence eventhough I can already see his writing skills way surpass my own. I've asked him if he'll buy me my bug with his first big book contract!



Oh you must be soooo very proud of your kids! Thanks for sharing this with us. I made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ! I began remembering all of the sweet things my kids Jessica and Ryan wrote and did when they were little! They are 27 and 28! I was proud of them then and am proud of them now! You have so many good times to look forward to!

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